Barbed Wire and Roses

I had a colour combination for a dark mani that I wanted to do but I wasn't sure about what form it would take.  After a bit of internet browsing I hit upon the idea of barbed wire and roses, but, everyone else used stamps to create the look and I didn't have anything suitable.  No problem I thought I'll just paint the design.  This was the result:

Details, more pics and a bit of a variation on the idea after the break.

I started with a base of China Glaze Liquid Leather.  Next I painted the barbed wire with a striper brush and Folk Art gold acrylic paint.  I mixed up various red and green acrylic paints and added the roses over the top.  Everything is finished with Nina Super Dry Topcoat.

Now I'll let you into a little secret...sometimes I only paint one hand for the blog pictures.  This time I liked the idea so much (and it wasn't too difficult to paint) that I did my other hand too.  I changed the colours a bit for my left hand.

I've played about with the colour balance a little to get the colour of the nails as true to real life as possible.  What do you think of the different colour combinations?


  1. Cool! I've been also known to be lazy and only do one hand ;)

  2. I think I like the blue best!! And that acrylic gold paint pops beautifully off of the black, wow.

  3. These are really pretty! I might try this with purple roses and silver wire. Thanks!


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