Little Pink Butterfly for The Crumpet's Nail Art Contest

I have been away with work so the blog has been a bit quite over the past week.  Don't worry that is about to change

After trying out acrylic paints I have been inspired to have another go.  For the June Amateur Nail Art Contest over on The Crumpet blog I have created a butterfly.

More details after the break.

I had originally planned to enter a look with only pink flowers, but then I saw the existing entries and thought I'd better up my game.

This is the original look:

This was created with a base of China Glaze White on White and a mixture of white, crimson and bright red acrylic paint.  While I liked this I didn't think it was quite good enough for the competition so I added the butterfly wings on my middle and ring fingers.

Entries for this competition close on 18 June and then you will be able to vote for your favourite. I love this competition as it gives a newbie like me a chance to show more people what I can do.  

As next week is the start of the June Tri-polish challenge there will be a lot more posts.  My time away was not wasted and I have lots of new designs to share with you over the coming weeks.


  1. That butterfly is so pretty!! I can't believe you freehanded it! Wow. :)

    1. Thanks. The idea came from a sketch I had in a notebook, so I did have a bit of practice before committing myself to paint.


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